Latest reports
Matra Museum
The Matra Museum is located in Romorantin, France. You'll see there all the cars, that made MATRA (Mecanique-Aviation-Traction) history and particularly most of the race cars and engines.
A visit to the Caramulo Museum
Caramulo is a quiet city on top of a hill in the heart of Portugal. Our friend, Tibor Ács visited its most famous attraction, the local automobile and art museum.
A visit to the Riga Motor Museum
Our good friend, Alexander Matveev recently paid a visit to the Riga Motor Museum in Latvia.
Deutsches Automuseum, Langenburg
The majestic Langenburg Castle lies not far from Highway No 6, on the way from Nürnberg to Heilbronn. It is signposted so you can't miss the way.
Report on Musée du Poids Lourd (Museum of Heavyweights)
The Museum of Heavyweights (Museum du Poids Lourd) was set up by a group of local enthusiasts in 1982. After many twists and turns the collection moved to its current location in 2005.