Museums in Ireland
Kilgarvan Motor Museum

McCabe Vintage Museum
Benny & Mary McCabe's private collection of vintage cars, tractors, household items and more. Open days are held once a year.
Mondello Park Museum
Mondello Park has been the focal point of Irish Motorsport since 1968 so it stands to reason that it should be home to the Martin Birrane Collection, a treasure trove of beautiful, historic racing cars, the result of a lifetime of collecting by former Mondello Park owner and racing enthusiast Martin Birrane.

National Transport Museum
The Transport Museum Society of Ireland began with an abortive 1949 effort to preserve three Dublin trams. Totally voluntary, the Society became a limited company in 1971 and is now a registered charity, operating to international museum standards. The museum is located in the Heritage Depot, Howth Demesne, Howth, Ireland. On 1st September 2001, the collection, increasing at an annual average rate of five, totalled 170 (average age 46 years). Sixty out of the 100 vehicles currently in Howth are on display, and others can be inspected by prior arrangement.