Dimitrie Leonida Technical Museum

Dimitrie Leonida was a Romanian engineer who founded the country’s first electrical and mechanical engineering school in 1908, and relied on help from the school’s staff and faculty to open the Technical Museum one year later. The museum covers a wide range of topics related to engineering and the physical sciences, including 1960s nuclear power plant technology, gamma spectrometers, horse-powered oil extraction techniques, magnetic and electrical fields, chemistry, mining, telecommunications, and hydraulics. The Dimitrie Leonida Technical Museum boasts over 5000 exhibits - among them a pioneering aerodynamic vehicle by Aurel Persu, a Duesenberg racing car which was formerly owned by Prince Nicholas of Romania etc. Photo is by Adrian Voicu.
Opening times: Wednesday to Sunday: 10:30 AM to 6 PM
Str. General Candiano Popescu 2
040583 Bucharest