Museums in Sweden
"Memory Machine" Nostalgia Museum
Minnesmaskinen is a nostalgia museum on two floors, which are filled with 1950s toys and the boy's dream of mopeds and bicycles

Adalens Classic Car Museum
The Forsman brother's collection was opened to the public in 1993. There are about 37 cars and a few motorcycles.

Albinsson & Sjöberg Car Museum
Albinsson & Sjöberg is the biggest motoring publishing company in the Nordic countries. It is a part of the family owned media group FabasGruppen AB. At its headquarters they set up two nice museums: one with classic cars, motorcycles an another with porcelain

Allan Söderström collection
Förenade Bil has a century-long history that, among other things, houses Söderström's Automobile Museum. This is a completely private collection of historic cars and anecdotes not shown publicly but only to pre-booked groups.

Älvsby Petrol Museum
The old Caltex Petrol Station has been turned into a museum: "Drink a cup of coffee in our 50's environment. Northern Europe's largest collection of gasoline nostalgia. Also much else; large and small vehicles, mopeds, toys etc."

Ängelholm Fire-brigad museum
The museum contains 8 fire engines. The oldest is a T-Ford from 1926. Fire engines, old fire alarm receivers, hand drawn pumps and other objects from the mid-19th century

Ängelholm Local History Park
This park has a Technical Museum, which was opened in April 1994. It features old bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles and cars, such as a 1899 Oldsmobile, which is claimed to be the oldest car in Sweden.

Army Museum
"Discover the Army Museum – one of Sweden’s best history museums. The museum re-opened in 2000 in refurbished premises, with a completely new exhibition depicting Swedish history from Viking times onwards. Here you will get an authentic picture of war as experienced by the soldiers and their families. Uniforms and weapons are displayed by means of realistic scenes using life-size manikins, and original artefacts are presented in display cases.

Arvika Vehicle Museum
"We have gathered Arvika Vehicle Museum and the Thermia Museum under the same roof. A visit gives you a fun and nostalgic journey amongst plenty of cars, motorbikes, mopeds, horse carriages, sleds, bikes, model cars, stoves and boilers – all interspersed with exhibition stands and curiosities".

ÅSSA Industrial and Automobile Museum
Åtvidabergs Spårväxlar & Signalfabriks AB a train and signal factory ceased operations in 1987. At the former works a museum was opened to preserve this part of Swedish industrial history.