Museums in Poland
ARS Old Car
The collection includes several cars from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. The museum allows for numerous activities related to cars from the collection. Most of them are historic Citroens.

Auto - Muzeum Jan & Maciej Peda

Automobile and Military Museum, Tanowo
A private institution that has a collection of antique cars, motorcycles, weapons, uniforms.

Automotive Museum in Nieborów
The Automotive Museum in Nieborów is the result of the owner 's sentiment for motoring. The museum has several dozen cars, about a hundred motorbikes, tractors, planes, household items and toys from the past, books, magazines, photos, posters.

Bar Siekierezada
A bar and more - among others it features the owners' collection of 2nd World War trucks and motorcycles

Central Museum of Firefighting
"This museum exhibits Fire service equipment representing the development of fire protection in the extent of technical equipment. Among the exhibits is a unique collection of fire brigade vehicles, including Daimler and Benz-Gagenau from the beginning of 20th century and the oldest wooden horse-drawn fire pump apparatus from 1717."

Classic Car Museum, Grzegorz Krokowicz
Private collection featuring more than 60 different cars and motorcycles.

Classics At FSO
On 1 June, 2019 a new museum was opened in the former FSO factory in Warsaw, Poland: "Warsawa, Syrena, Fiat 126p, Fiat 125p, Polonez, Żuk and other great classic cars. They once motorized Poland, today they are the object of desire for collectors and motoring enthusiasts. Thanks to the involvement of the Foundation for the Protection of Industrial and Technological Monuments (Fundacja Ochrony Zabytków Przemysłu i Techniki) and the "Treasure of Nation" Motoring Museum ( Muzeum Motoryzacji SKARB NARODU) there is now a magnificent exhibition in the former FSO paint shop.

Communications Museum, Paterka
The museum was established in March 2011. There are 30 buses which were in circulation in in Poland between the 1970s and 1990s, including Jelcz, Skoda-Liaz and Ikarus.