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Museums in Poland

Reconstruction Technology Office of Historical Vehicle Engineering

At the Reconstruction Technology Office of Historical Vehicle Engineering we put our effort to extensively implement reverse engineering. The technical documentation (construction and technological) is worked out, to enable manufacturing parts, sub-assemblies and whole vehicles. We introduce put into practical effect projects regarding restoration of historical vehicles, engines, machines and other artefacts of technical culture. The range of vehicles can be visited at the headquarters of the company.

Biuro Rekonstrukcyjno – Technologiczne Zabytkowej Inżynierii Pojazdowej

School Automotive Museum, Toruń

The School Museum of Automotive Technology was established in 1995. There was an idea among teachers to preserve the models and constructions of vehicles that go down in history that were collected in our school. Vocational commission teachers worked on the creation of the museum. The School Automotive Museum occupies an exhibition hall, which is located in newly built school workshops put into use in 2018. Some exhibits, mainly passenger cars, are stored in the underground car park, which is part of the new workshop.

Szkolne Muzeum Motoryzacji w Toruniu

Traditional Agricultural Farm - Ochaby Open-Air Museum

Traditional Agricultural Farm - Ochaby Open-Air Museum is the largest museum in the south of Poland of monuments from farms, fishing and all kinds of household appliances and equipment from various periods of history. Vintage cars and other vehicles constitute a separate collection. The exhibits are located in a traditional farm yard consisting of a stable with a coach house, barn, hut, windmill and sheds.

Tradycyjna Zagroda Rolna – Skansen Ochaby

Vintage Car Museum, Jasienica Rosielna

The Historic Car Museum was established in 2020 at the Help for Children Foundation Stanisława Bieńczak as part of educational and workshop activities. It is an extension of activities in the field of conducting various types of educational and development workshops for children and youth. The museum serves education, getting to know artists and their works, who devoted not only time, money, but even health and life to the development and improvement of automotive solutions.

Muzeum Samochodów Zabytkowych