The Automobile Museum - Bratislav Petkovic Collection

The Automobile Museum, Bratislav Petkovic Collection, is the newest in a series of technical museums in Serbia. The Museum was founded by the Assembly of the City of Belgrade and Bratislav Petkovic, the collector and owner of a collection comprising historically valuable cars and arhive material on the domestic history of motoring. The Museum's premises are situated in the Modern Garage, a characteristic monument of the technical culture of its age, itself declared a cultural asset. The building, designed by the Russian arhitect Valerij Staševski, was built in the city centre in 1929 as the first public garage. The Museum accommodates a part of the collection (40 automobiles) of over 70, which make up the collection. The collection includes old-timers and rare automobiles, which are particularly important for studying of the development and technical progress of car industry with us and in the world. The oldest automobile is Marot-Gardon, France, dated 1897, a three-wheel vehicle, with a wooden body (ash), a two-seater. The collection also includes the French automobile Charrron dated 1908, with wooden wheel spokes and a luxurious wooden body type Landolet, which used to be handmade against orders; then Ford model T, dated 1925, the first automobile manufactured in a large series, on the assembly line.
UPDATE: In February, 2024 the museum was evicted from the Modern Garage building and now its future is uncertain!
Majke Jevrosime 30