Saurer Museum and Depot

"Our museum, located in the picturesque town of Arbon on Lake Constance in Switzerland, shows commercial vehicles, motors, embroidery and weaving machines of all generations that were manufactured in Arbon. You will see around 20 historic vehicles (all categories; trucks, buses, military vehicles, fire engines and postbuses), as well as a comprehensive engine exhibition". Also there is a Depot,which "is a depot, as the name suggests. Vehicle after vehicle, machines and motors, a hand embroidery machine, one of the first rapier weaving machines, countless spare parts - simply everything the Saurer heart desires in a beautiful, over 100 year old building. Each individual gem would have deserved a special place in our museum on the lake, but unfortunately this is not possible due to lack of space."
Opening times: 10 AM to 6 PM - both Museum and Depot (Depot is closed on Mondays)
Saurer Museum
Weitegasse 8
9320 Arbon
Saurer Museum Depot
Hamelstrasse 15
9320 Arbon