L'Estanco Auto Moto Museum

The Estanco presents a private collection of cars, motorcycles, old bicycles, small agricultural equipment, tools and a steamroller from 1949. It will transport you from 1898 to the present day and will make you discover the evolution of locomotion.
This museum houses a private collection of cars, motorcycles, bicycles, small agricultural equipment,
enamel plates, aircraft parts, items relating to the Great War and the Second World War as well as a model of the transporter bridge built by Ferdinand Anodin in Marseille in 1905.
This private museum houses a Citroën AC 4, 1930, an Amilcar from 1926, a Charles Mochet small car from 1949 and many motorcycles. Among the motorcycles, there's a Terrot, a Motobecane, a Velosolex and several others. Additionally there's lots of memoribilia.
Open by appointment
34, rue du Chemin vert
05700 Serres