Fahrzeugmuseum Chemnitz Opens New Temporary Exhibition

CHEMNITZ, Germany, 20 May -- The highlight of the new temporary exhibition, "Fix voran mit Frontantrieb - 90 Jahre DKW-Rennwagen" (Straight Ahead with Front-Wheel-Drive - 90-Years of DKW Racing Cars) is the last factory-sanctioned DKW racing car, which was built for the 1938 Berlin-Rome race. This alloy bodied DKW F9 has recently been restored by the founder of the museum, Frieder Bach.
The exhibition runs until October.
<A HREF="https://www.mdr.de/video/mdr-videos/a/video-411090.html">Video on the racing car</A>
Source: <A HREF="https://www.freiepresse.de/chemnitz/erstmals-gebauter-letzter-dkw-sport…; and <A HREF="https://fahrzeugmuseum-chemnitz.de/?event=fix-voran-mit-frontantrieb-90… Chemnitz</A>