Dalby Pioneer Park Museum

Displaying one of the largest collections of working pioneer tractors and agricultural machinery in Queensland, as well as authentic colonial buildings and heritage items, the Dalby Pioneer Park Museum is a treasure trove of history. Walk through the original buildings and catch a glimpse of the lives of our earlier generations. From old hand tools and implements used in the pioneering days of the Dalby district, to a working blacksmiths shop, antique firearm collection, a rare Chandler Hearse (one of only two left in the world) and a massive collection of Aboriginal artefacts, there is sure to be something in the Dalby Pioneer Park Museum to capture and intrigue every visitor. In addition to the Chandler there are a few trucks and fire engines as well.
Pioneer Machinery Now on Display:
Late 1800’s model working thrashers and elevator, 1950’s model reaper & binder, pre war hay baler, early hand and power driven cornshellers, oil and petrol engines.
Tractors: Hart-Par, Fordson, Case, Massey Harris, McCormick Deering, Cletrac;
Headers: Tractor driven (PTO), Self propelled (AUTO).
Fire Engines: 1957 White Chev, A 1980 White International one of the last white fire engines being used by the local fire department.
Tools: View the display of many old hand tools and implements used in the early pioneering days of Dalby and the Wambo Shire area.
Rare Find: Chandler Hearse, one of only two left in the world, the other one is on display in America.
New Displays: 11th Light Horse Brigade Motor Regiment collection displaying helmets and Australian military uniforms, insignia, equipment and documentation with an emphasis on local military service, history and collected souvenirs. Housing the collection is an extension room from Contin Boarding House, which was built near the old Bore Baths approx 1905. The "Hut" was owned by former mayor Charles Drew.
Opening times: 8 am to 4 pm 7 days a week (except Christmas Day)
17 Black St
Dalby QLD 4405